What is your best way to learn responsive web design?


This title question is going to include this query too..

First, Do you have any proper tutorial to make a responsive template in Photoshop (a 2 z) ?

I just need a "resources full" answer from anyone who expert in this field that will show the right path to everyone, Who are interested in Web Designing...

Thanks in advance...
So many way to learn, i think you should buy some books about web design. Then, you've to create a website and learn more about design.
All you can do is you can search it on Youtube. The best platform to get any answer related to any topic. Other than that if you feel unsatisfactory then you can come to Digital Chanakya where you can get detailed info about website development easily.
Take a book about website design or you can lean in w3school or learn in case study if you have budget
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