Thesis theme


New member
I keep hearing about the Thesis theme and how popular it is. Why is it popular? Is it because it's considered a good choice when using ads and adsense or is it just easy to customize? I'm trying to decide if I should invest in it. I know certain themes are meant to be better than other for monetizing, perhaps because they have a focus on ad space and SEO. I'm just not sure. Anyone?
I keep hearing about the Thesis theme and how popular it is. Why is it popular? Is it because it's considered a good choice when using ads and adsense or is it just easy to customize? I'm trying to decide if I should invest in it. I know certain themes are meant to be better than other for monetizing, perhaps because they have a focus on ad space and SEO. I'm just not sure. Anyone?

Thesis is used as a base theme on many sites, it's more of a starting point to build your own custom themes without having to get into the actual PHP code and theme files manually. I've tried it briefly, but did not find it to be as intuitive as I had hoped for. There are also some competing products out there you may want to check out including Pagelines, Genesis, and Headway Theme.
Thesis is a great theme that allows full customization of the theme so you can produce any style of site possible with just a few tweaks. When I started I was not a php tech person but I found that customizing the theme was easy just by tweaking a few things. There is also a great community of persons who are always willing to help you should you ever need it. I would recommend it but shop around for competing theme and compare them before you buy