Free Google reCaptcha Magento 2 Extension


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Free Google reCaptcha Magento 2 Extension adds Google reCaptcha to any form on your website as well as lets you protect your store from spam and frauds.
Sometimes your customers find it disturbed to submit form with hard-to-see Captcha code, and our extension is an useful solution as it helps to replace default Captcha code with Google Recaptcha. Google reCAPTCHA reduces potential user’s error when entering a series of letters and numbers, and encourages cart conversion without adding hurdles during checkout.
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Disable/Enable in backend
Can add reCaptcha to any form on front-end
Two types of reCaptcha: “Invisible Captcha” and “I’m not robot”
Supported for multiple languages
Option for light theme and dark theme
Option to add reCaptcha for Guest only
Add Whitelist Ips to disable reCaptcha