Can I Transfer US Dollars To Uk From My Paypal


New member
I get payment monthly from paypal in UK and they convert all my money into British sterling but the paypal conversion rate is very poor. I am thinking of a way if any exist to transfer my US dollar balance into a US dollar bank account in UK. I would also like to hear people from other countries like China, Brazil , India, Pakistan and other that if any body have ever tried to get their payments from Paypal in US dollars rather than their local currencies.
I haven't tried what you mentioned. Here, in India, US dollars are converted to Indian Rupees while transferring money from Paypal into bank account. Here, the conversion rates are not bad and the good thing is the value of dollar is increasing day by day.
As per Paypal Toc, the only way to get the USD to your account is to have an account at a place where USD is accepted as the local currency. And I guess that is not the possible thing at your place. In India too, Paypal would always convert the USD to INR before transferring.

Now for the conversion ratio, this is something which none of us have control and Paypal would only pay you depending on the Currency Conversion ratio at the time of the withdrawls. That said, a way out might be - ask your clients to pay you in Pound Sterling rather than the USD - and if that can be accomplished, there would be less of isses. This can be done just because the Pound Sterling is an accepted currency by the Paypal to make payments.
Not really much point converting them, if you were to then the costs associated with converting them wouldn't be worth it. PayPal does kind of have bad conversions but there's not much you can do honestly.